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From, With, To God (the day of Arafa)

(Farsi; 3 lectures; 2.5 hours) Series of lectures entitled: From God, With God, To God

The talks are delivered in Farsi. We are hoping to translate some selected highlights from the talks into English, in-sha-Allah.


# Full Talk Highlights
1 MP3 0:53 MP3
2 MP3 0:53 MP3
3 MP3 0:48 MP3
all - MP3



Also Related:

Overview of Dua Arafa by Imam Hussein AS

Copyright 2007, by the Contributing Authors. Cite/attribute Resource. mehrdad. (2007, November 25). From, With, To God (the day of Arafa). Retrieved November 29, 2020, from Irfan and Islamic Mysticism Web site: All Rights Reserved.