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A series of podcasts from lectures and speeches of Dr. Sayyed Mohammad Soleimanpnah.

The podcasts are delivered in Farsi.


Audio Video Title Description Duration
Release Date
audio YouTubeAparat The Enigma of Philosophy and the Opening of the Skin Introducing the Series of Discussion Classes on an Interview with "William J. Richardson on Heidegger's Being and Time" 10:48 October 06, 2024
audio YouTubeAparat The Eventful Day Selected from "I Am of His Requirements: On Life's Cash, the First Stake Should be Cast" 9:33 February 08, 2024
audio YouTubeAparat Beginning of Muharram Selected from the Lecture of First Night of Muharram 1443 A.H. 6:42 July 28, 2022
audio YouTubeAparat Beginning of the Holy Month of God Special Online Program of "Ramadhanyyat" for Suhur and Iftar of the Holy Month of Ramadhan 1443 A.H. 5:03 April 02, 2021
audio YouTubeAparat Renewal of the Similar: Regeneration of the Tradition Introducing the Series of Discussion Classes on “Martin Heidegger at Eighty” Written by Hannah Arendt 9:16 January 13, 2022
audio YouTube    Aparat Gorizgaahe Bi-Gahi Introduction to the Series of Commentary Classes on "Fusus al-Hikam" written by Sheikh Ibn Arabi 3:25 November 19, 2021
audio YouTube   Aparat Vahshi Introduction to the Series of Discussion Classes on "Americaniyyad" 2:24 July 1, 2021
audio YouTube Beginning of the Holy Month of God Special Online Program of "Ramadhanyyat" for Suhur and Iftar of the Holy Month of Ramadhan 1442 A.H. 2:31 April 12, 2021
audio YouTube    Aparat Serr-e Vafa Dar Sharh-e Hadith-e Kesa Introduction to the New Publication by Dr. Sayyed Mohammad Soleimanpanah 1:54 January 9, 2021
audio YouTube The Birth Anniversary of Prophet Muhammad - PBUH Muhammadan Praise and Sadiqian Truthfulness - 1441 A.H. 12:50 November 2, 2020
audio YouTube   Aparat The Ascent and the Descent of the Desert of Love Part 7 | Commentary on the Sermon of Lady Zeinab - PBUH 36:06 October 11, 2020
audio YouTube   Aparat The Ascent and the Descent of the Desert of Love Part 6 | Commentary on the Sermon of Lady Zeinab - PBUH 51:35 October 4, 2020
audio YouTube   Aparat The Ascent and the Descent of the Desert of Love Part 5 | Commentary on the Sermon of Lady Zeinab - PBUH 47:16 September 27, 2020
audio YouTube   Aparat The Ascent and the Descent of the Desert of Love Part 4 | Commentary on the Sermon of Lady Zeinab - PBUH 35:53 September 20, 2020
audio YouTube   Aparat The Ascent and the Descent of the Desert of Love Part 3 | Commentary on the Sermon of Lady Zeinab - PBUH 31:15 September 13, 2020
audio YouTube   Aparat The Ascent and the Descent of the Desert of Love Part 2 | Commentary on the Sermon of Lady Zeinab -PBUH 27:27 September 6, 2020
audio YouTube   Aparat The Ascent and the Descent of the Desert of Love Part 1 | Commentary on the Sermon of Lady Zeinab - PBUH 26:17 August 30, 2020
3 audio - Beginning of Muharram Selected from the Lecture of First Night of Muharram 1439 A.H. 8:39 August 18, 2020
audio YouTubeAparat Eid Ghadir  Humanity and Islam: An Unfinishable Project - 1441 A.H. 11:20 August 7, 2020
audio - Day of Arafah Commentary on Arafah Supplication 11:43 July 29, 2020


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